Is Darren Aronofsky Shooting His New Biblical Epic Noah this Summer?

FirstShowing.Net reports a wonderful rumor:

Darren Aronofsky has never been one to get films easily afloat, per se, and may have just as many sinking or dead in the water projects as he does completed ones (granted his completed films are brilliant masterpieces including The Fountain). But his latest planned project, the biblical epic Noah, could be setting sail as soon as this summer. According to a little bit of the telephone game with cinematographer and frequent collaborator Matthew Libatique (who worked with Aronofsky on Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, Black Swan and nearly The Wolverine) it sounds like the film could be shooting this summer.


Greenlit Aronofsky projects that collapse and disappear are a dime a dozen (do not get your hopes up!) but if this one makes it to theatres it sounds like we’re up for another mystical, visual experience in the vein of 2006’s The Fountain. After the darkness of Black Swan — which was Aronofsky in his self-destructive Requiem for a Dream mode — something bigger and brighter will be a good change of pace.

Those who have not seen the most underrated film of 2006 are invited to do so, here’s the trailer:


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