God Hasn't Told Anyone to Vote for Trump

Donald Trump holds up a Bible during the Values Voter Summit ( AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

God told me that He hasn’t told anyone to vote for Donald Trump. I recognize that this revelation contradicts the many professing Christians who are claiming that God has revealed to them in dreams, visions, and various other-worldly manifestations that Christians are to vote for Donald Trump for President in 2016. It also flies in the face of evangelical leaders, like John Hagee, who are prophesying God’s judgment on those who don’t vote for Trump.


Ben Carson “changed” his mind about Trump after a friend had a vision from God, and my vision says otherwise. On a personal note, I’ve seen Facebook posts, Tweets, and blog posts from friends and family members who are breathlessly declaring that God has told them to vote for Trump. According to God, however, it’s all hogwash.

In fact, it’s been revealed to me that anyone who supports Trump is doing the bidding of the devil; they’ve been deceived. You know, like Adam and Eve. Further, Trumpkins will one day find themselves the foot soldiers of the antichrist, who is obviously Donald Trump.

On that dreaded day, however, it will be too late for them to change their minds. By voting for Donald Trump, they will have agreed to the Mark of the Beast (a mark that Trump is going to require after his inauguration as proof of loyalty), and they will be excluded from the Kingdom of God. All of this was revealed to me in a dream.

My “divine” revelation, of course, is also hogwash. The difference is that I’m admitting that I made it all up. And that underlines one of the problems with claiming to have received divine revelation; unless the individual admits it, no one else can prove that it’s made up. What happens when someone claims that God told him in a dream that it’s a sin to vote for Trump and the next Christian claims that it’s a sin not to vote for Trump? How do Christians arbitrate between supposed divine revelations that conflict? Claiming to have received a word from God opens the door to a lot of contradictory statements from God.


God has already spoken to us. He has graciously revealed Himself, His plan of salvation, and His ethical expectations for His people in the Bible. And God’s revelation is closed. The Bible is fully authoritative and fully complete. This means that God does not actively speak to people today – not in dreams, not in visions, not in any other manifestations. If He did, that would mean that the Bible isn’t complete; that God forgot something. Because if God speaks, that word is divine revelation with all the authority that divine revelation demands.

As noted pastor and theologian John MacArthur wrote, “Once a congregation sees Scripture as less than the final, complete, infallible authority for faith and practice, it has opened the doors to theological chaos. Anyone can claim to be speaking God’s revelation—and almost anything can be passed off as divinely revealed truth.”

Next Page: Does this mean we’re stranded and have no guidance from God?

Recognizing that people today do not receive a divine revelation from God doesn’t mean that He has left us stranded in regards to His will. As the Apostle Paul explained to his protégé, Timothy, “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16.

God, in His infinite kindness, has given us all the truth that we need to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to Him. That fact, however, still stands in tension with the reality that we are finite and fallen. Faithfully studying God’s word doesn’t mean that a believer is going to make the correct decision every time.


Looking to the Bible to discover how God defines love, justice, and righteousness in relation to leaders, for example, isn’t going to mean that every Christian is going to agree on whom they should vote for. That shouldn’t scare Christians off from prayerfully attempting to exercise biblical discernment in all areas, including voting.

What should scare Christians are people who are claiming that God has told them that His people are supposed to vote for Donald Trump. Furthermore, pastors and leaders who are using their bully pulpits to claim divine revelation about whom to vote for need to be held accountable for their abuse of power. God hasn’t told anyone to vote for Donald Trump, and whoever claims otherwise is lying about God.


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