The smart set at the Washington Post figures the Republican Party has an “Archie Bunker problem.” The reason? A single comment about “wetbacks” by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), and the Washington Post springs into action.
Young’s dumb characterization allowed Post writers Aaron Blake (D-Northern Virginia) and Juliet Eilperin (D-D.C.) to push the tired leftist narrative: Republicans, racist, repeat.
The message: whatever effort they make toward modernizing their brand, there will always be a few Archie Bunkers out there — people, like the lead character in the 70′s sitcom “All in the Family,” who are unconcerned with or unwilling to moderate their tone. And these days more than in the past, their offhand remarks can derail the most carefully orchestrated PR campaign.
Whether or not Young’s comment reflects the views of Republicans besides Young matters little to the witty duo at the Post.
There is only one Don Young in the Republican Party. But the Democrats have a “Homer Simpson problem” that dwarfs any stupid comment by a single congressman.
The Democrats have become the party of Homer Simpson — a party reliant on millions of low-information voters seeking something for nothing. Like the Democrat dependency class, Homer Simpson (D-Springfield) relied on Mojo the Helper Monkey to feed him and even wipe the sauce from his face. The pair eventually gorged themselves into a stupor.
The Democratic Party has become the party that promises millions of helper monkeys. But those of us who work and pay taxes are the helper monkeys for Homer Simpsons across America.
Don’t think you should pay for your own college education? Mojo will make sure people who long ago paid for theirs will pay for yours. Think your neighbor should pay for your health care? Mojo will take care of it. Need a free cell phone? Mojo paid for his, but now he’ll pay for yours.
Homer has no shame letting Mojo do all the work. Homer’s on the take.
Homer Simpson’s guiding philosophy mirrors the central premise of the Democrat policy agenda: moving wealth from the productive to the unproductive. Homer Simpson wanted someone else to do his work, pay his bills, fetch him doughnuts. This is the fundamental feature of the age of Obama. Thus, the Democratic Party now has a Homer Simpson problem of far greater scale than the GOP’s supposed “Archie Bunker problem.”
The Democratic Party has become the something-for-nothing party. Their policies will eventually lead to destruction of individual initiative and, like Homer, even an individual’s dignity.
Will Blake and Eilperin produce an equal opportunity TV-character criticism of the Democrats? Of course not, because the Washington Post is in business to promote and protect Democrats, not ridicule them.

Juliet Eilperin
A party reliant on millions of Homer Simpsons is far more shameful than a single congressman making a single stupid comment, even if the Washington Post doesn’t think so.
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