Is There a Newsweek Cover Jinx?

OK, now I’m worried about the midterms.

Sports Illustrated has long been associated with a “cover curse” among professional athletes who fear being jinxed by appearing before a big playoff or championship game. (And it’s true — I ask you, would the Onion make stuff up?!) But does Newsweek have a similar cover curse? And if so, are its editors aware of it?


Currently on the cover, as noticed by Kathryn Jean Lopez at the Corner:

On one level, it sounds great. But don’t forget, it was only about five minutes after Newsweek ran this cover in early 2009…

….That the Tea Parties appeared, putting, as Stacy McCain writes, “The Fear of God into the Republican Party” and bringing the GOP to…well, right about now.

On the other hand, perhaps the latest Newsweek cover curse might influence this potential internecine scrum, if not the bigger battle to come in nine days.

Incidentally, what’s up with the headline about the GOP and the stickiest of the icky above the masthead, complete with cannabis clip art on the Newsweek logo? Since when did Newsweek — let alone Republicans — start working Reason’s side of the street?

Update: Of course. So why not have some fun with them?


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