"Young women who want to be rich and powerful should major in economics or engineering and be prepared to work 60 hour weeks."

Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men, has an interesting article in the New York Times on the pay gap:


A serious dialogue about parity in the workplace can begin only when we liberate ourselves from the widely propagated but utterly false assertion that “for the same work, women receive 77 cents for every dollar a man earns.” The 23-cent wage gap does not take into account the factors that justify different pay, like occupation, education, tenure on the job, and hours worked per week.

Talented young women who aspire to be rich and powerful would be advised to major in economics or electrical engineering rather than psychology or social work. They should be prepared to work 60 hours a week at the office rather than combining shorter hours with home, family, and other pursuits they find fulfilling. Those who stick with this course will find that their W-2s are equal to those of their male counterparts.


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