Can Dads Do Anything Right?

A reader wrote to tell me about a Volkswagen commercial that he is concerned about:

Dear Dr.Helen,

I wonder what your reaction was to the latest salvo in the War on Men and Boys. I refer to the Volkswagen Passat commercial which shows a heartwarming scene of a father bonding with his son by playing catch with him. The problem is that he is teaching his son to throw like a girl, except that girls who play softball don’t throw that badly. It was painful to watch. I have no idea how this will sell cars, or to whom.


Here is the short commercial, view it and tell me how you think it portrays men and boys? Frankly, I wonder what this kid is thinking about his dad or does he think this is the normal way to throw?

Related at PJ Lifestyle: The Sad State of American “Fatherhood”


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