Documents: Obama Administration Paid Baptist Family Services Over $182 Million to House Illegal Aliens

$75 per individual per day, for four months.

According to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, that’s how much the federal government is paying for the housing, food and needs of thousands of illegal aliens who crossed into the United States this summer, at just two military bases. The documents show that the federal government’s Department of Health and Human Services has paid an eye-popping $186,129,786 to the Baptist Children and Family Services for four months of care for thousands of illegal aliens, at a time when Democrats complain of government “austerity.”


Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The documents show that the government has spent $86,846.34 per child at Ft. Sill, OK, since the surge of illegal crossings earlier this year, for a total of $104,215,608 for the 1,200 unaccompanied children housed at that base alone. HHS also paid out $77,914,178 to care for 1,200 unaccompanied children who are housed at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. That’s just two bases covered in the documents. The government has housed illegal aliens, many but not all children, at numerous points in many communities around the country. The costs included in these documents only cover federal spending, not local or state spending as school districts around the country take in thousands of illegal alien kids.

The documents also show that the Obama administration expects the surge to continue up to September of 2016, near the end of Obama’s presidency. That is when the contract, which began in October 2013, ends.

The costs include providing “multicultural crayons” to children at Ft. Sill, along with cell phones including international calling capabilities, “laptop kits,” board games, soccer balls and much more.

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton sums up the fiscal carnage: “It is outrageous that the Obama administration spent nearly $200 million of taxpayer funds to provide illegal alien children with the types of extravagant high-tech equipment and lavish benefits many American families cannot even afford for their own children. And very few American workers are bringing home the $80,000 the Obama administration pays the BCFS’s Incident Management Team for just four months’ work.  Obama’s lawlessness resulted in an illegal alien ‘surge’ that has cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in 2014.  Based on his new lawless amnesty plans, we can expect hundreds of millions more in taxpayer costs for the resulting wave of illegal aliens trying to take advantage of Obama’s illegal nullification of our nation’s immigration laws.”



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