
Flashback: When Nikki Haley GUSHED Over Bill Gates, COVID Injections

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Nikki Haley had some extremely warm words for one Bill Gates back in 2020 regarding his fast-tracked COVID-19 shots.

Of course, you won’t hear this sort of rhetoric coming out of her camp these days as her consultants have been sure to steer her away from such talking points.

And, furthermore, it’s unlikely Haley has strong opinions one way or another regarding Bill Gates. What likely happened was that one of her handlers explained to her that it would be politically advantageous to throw out a fawning tweet for Bill Gates and his COVID shots — before the entire GOP base realized the con game afoot. So that’s what she did.

A servant to power is who she is. It’s who she has always been. It’s who she will be should, God forbid, she get anywhere near the White House.

Related: Sen. Rand Paul Goes to War With Nikki Haley

Via Kaiser Family Foundation:

During the height of the pandemic, Haley praised the Trump administration’s efforts to expedite vaccine development — and even touted Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ donations for vaccine manufacturing plants.

Here’s the tweet:

The clinical trials that Haley was so eager to expedite — every vaccine in history having been developed over at least ten years but this one done in less than a year — were a sick joke, the ultimate death toll of which remains unknown due to Public Health™ secrecy.

The question must be asked: is there any industry talking point Haley won’t promote, or any oligarch she won’t service rhetorically, for the right price and/or for the sake of her career?

Related: DeSantis Camp Releases BRUTAL Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton

To be clear, Trump bears ultimate responsibility for Operation Warp Speed, which he has yet to apologize for and, if we know anything about Trump’s psychological disposition, he never will. There are no excuses, and it remains a huge — maybe the biggest — black eye on his otherwise successful presidency.

But it’s worth noting that Trump went all-in on the vaccine rollout because of people around him exerting influence like Nikki Haley and her friend Bill Gates, whispering pharmaceutical industry talking points into his ear about mass injection being the ticket out of lockdowns.

This is why it’s critical that should Trump regain the nomination — which increasingly looks like a foregone conclusion despite the best attempts at election interference by the power structure — he surrounds himself with the right influences this go around.  

This further encapsulates why it is nowhere near sufficient that Haley is defeated by a monumental landslide in the primary, as she was in Iowa. She needs to be run out of the party to go join the Democrats or whatever D.C. lobbying firm is willing to hire her for influence-peddling. That’s where she belongs.


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