Already referenced on several of the major blogs, including Instapundit and Kausfiles, Ann Louise Bardach’s in-person dissection of Oliver Stone’s moral and mental midgetry is not to be missed. Check out this example:
ALB: But Cuba’s leader for life is sitting in front of these guys who are facing life in prison, and you’re asking them, “Are you well treated in prison?” Did you think they could honestly answer that question?
OS: If they were being horribly mistreated, then I don’t know that they could be worse mistreated [afterward].
ALB: So in other words, you think they thought this was their best shot to air grievances? Rather than that if they did speak candidly, there’d be hell to pay when they got back to prison?
OS: I must say, you’re really picturing a Stalinist state. It doesn’t feel that way. You can always find horrible prisons if you go to any country in Central America.
ALB: Did you go to the prisons in Cuba?
OS: No, I didn’t.
ALB: So you don’t know if they’re any different than, say, the prisons in Honduras then?
OS: I think that those prisoners are being honest.
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