MONDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' With Kruiser, VodkaPundit

Did everyone not in Arizona survive Saturday night's one-hour time travel into the future without ill effects?

Am I the only one without a rabid hot take on Dayling Saving Time? If they ditch it, I'd be fine with that. If they keep it, that would be fine, too.


I just find it impossible to get very worked up over an hour in either direction, except maybe as yet another example of how our lives would be a tiny bit easier if Washington would find some small way to screw things up and then not mess with it. It's the needless tinkering, I bet, that gets people more worked up than anything.

Whatever the case, we'll be here at 3 p.m. Eastern today, which was kinda-sorta 2 p.m. Eastern last week but is still 1 p.m. Mountain where I am but 12 p.m. Mountain where Kruiser is, even though we were both 1 p.m. Mountain last week.

Got that? There will be a quiz at the end of the show.


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