
FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' With Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Scott Pinsker - Replay

We're solidly into Week Two of Trump 47, and I'm still not sick of all the winning.

And there's been a lot of winning, hasn't there?

We'll talk about that and more with special guest Ed Morrissey, fresh off his two-week run as Capt. Spaulding in the off-off-Broadway stage production of the Marx Bros. "Animal Crackers." I'm told audiences jumped to their feet for his rendition of Groucho's "Lydia the Tattooed Lady," which isn't even supposed to be in the show.

Maybe he'll perform it for us today, anyway. 

See you then — can't wait.

*Update Ed is not feeling well and we will be joined by Scott Pinsker.


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