No Rest for the Wicked in the Aftermath of Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

Townhall Media

"There is no place in politics for violence," Felicia Duncan wrote in a letter that the editors of the Cincinnati Enquire chose to publish. "That said, the former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself."


That. Said.

"This stuff" is a curious way of saying "assassins' bullets," but I guess that's just "toMAYto, toMAHto" to the nation's busy omelet makers. Those eggs aren't going to break themselves, you know, and it sure would be easier if they'd quit ducking. 

You might think that a second unsuccessful assassination attempt on a presidential candidate calls for a respectful pause of at least a day or two before winding up the next potential whackjob until he snaps, but no.

PJ Media's own Matt Margolis reported earlier today that former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente "believes that intense political climate and divisive rhetoric that has become commonplace — especially the way Trump has been vilified — drove the suspect, like the Pennsylvania shooter."

And yet:

Forgive Donald Jr.'s language. There is a time and a place for dropping f-bombs and this counts as both.


"The old racist f*** is alive, isn’t he? Stop your bitching," was a not atypical reply from a lefty whose profile claims she "cares."

Over at the New York Times, chief White House correspondent Peter Baker repeated fake news about Trump and Springfield, Ohio, while laying the blame for yet another assassination attempt squarely at Trump's feet. "In the space of less than a week," Baker wrote, "the once and possibly future commander in chief was both a seeming inspiration and an apparent target of the political violence that has increasingly come to shape American politics in the modern era."

Here's the execrable Jonathan Chait today:

"Trump’s supporters have responded to both attempts on his life by muddying the waters, exploiting the near-tragedies with cynical efforts to redefine critiques of Trump’s authoritarian inclinations as violent provocation."

Funny, isn't it, how the so-called authoritarian— who has been called by Chait or people like him everything from Hitler to a rapist to a Russian stooge — is the one getting shot at by so-called defenders of democracy while he runs for president?


Chait is just one among many on the Left giving the green light to a would-be assassin to be named later.

"Trump's guns," David Frum wrote in The Atlantic today, created the "dangerous political environment" that we live in now. "Almost exactly two months passed between the two attempts on Trump's life. In that time, 82 Americans have died in mass shootings. Many more died by solo shootings and suicides by firearms."

All Trump's fault somehow, four years after he left office.

What a shame the Secret Service did their jobs on Sunday, David, amirite?

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