Sorry, But Kamala Harris Is Not 'Weirdly Unpopular'

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

As you're probably already aware, James O'Keefe claimed another Lefty scalp this week with secret video of DNC compliance manager Joyce DeCerce calling Vice President Kamala Harris "weirdly unpopular" and saying that he doesn't think she "would win this year." Damning stuff — or is it?


During their meet-not-so-cute, DeCerce told O'Keefe Media Group's undercover female reporter that Harris has no “accomplishments to speak of” but that the DNC tells donors "what they want to hear" to keep the money coming in.

With all due respect to O'Keefe and especially to the reporter — who went above and beyond the call of duty or even the value of any paycheck by going out with DeCerce several times after meeting him on the Bumble dating app — what's the big deal?

Harris's approval rating has spent more than two years in the upper 30s, only sometimes going as "high" as 40%. Her disapproval number hasn't been below 50% in almost three years. All this, despite glowing press coverage and her semiofficial untouchable status as a female person of color. 

With numbers like those, there's nothing weird about disliking Harris. It's liking her that's weird.

Harris's unlikeability isn't just about her lack of accomplishments as vice president, her undistinguished four years in the Senate, or even her frankly disturbing record as California attorney general. Most people probably don't know (or have forgotten) that she used actual slave labor while AG and very few people can be bothered to learn about what a senator from some other state does or what the veep is up to.


But, dear Lord, even the apathetic can't help but sometimes hear her speak. There’s a studied vacuousness to Harris’s statements, an honest effort put into every wordy obfuscation. I've covered too many of those moments over the years to bore you with them again, so here's a link to the latest example, and you can decide whether or not to click. 

Even normal people (that doesn't include you or me, gentle reader) who don't follow politics 24/7 and aren't aware of Harris's peculiar particulars can still spot a fake. It's that cloying phoniness, more than anything else, that explains her record-low approval numbers for a vice president. 

You can watch the OMG video on X, but let me save you a click. While we never get a look at the undercover reporter, I can assure you without hesitation that she is way too hot for the DNC's doughy, pasty-white compliance manager who sounds like Jame Gumb when he speaks.

But the point remains, secret video or no secret video, that Harris is not "weirdly unpopular." Unlike her official forrays into border enforcement or foreign policy — where she did little more than smile for the cameras and toss meaningless word salads — Harris worked very hard, indeed, to become so unlikeable. 


Recommended: So 'White Dudes For Kamala' Had a Celebrity-Filled Zoom Call and the Cringe Was Epic

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