August Is Gut-Check Time, and You've Got to Hang Tough

Townhall Media

You only think the media gaslighting for Kamala Harris has begun, but don't be fooled — they're just getting warmed up for a one-two punch right to our guts.

Not that the internet and the airwaves aren't enough to fill the unwary with despair already.


Here's a small selection of today's screaming-ist headlines:

I could go on, but you've probably seen more than enough already — and I didn't even get to MSNBC, where Joe Scarborough's panties are so twisted, 24/7, that "Morning Joe" producers have to use a voice modulator to keep him from speaking soprano. Or maybe they've had to do that all along. Honestly, I wouldn't surprised either way.

But everything you've had to read and hear since Harris was crowned the defacto presidential nominee is mere prologue to what's to come in August.

Next week, Harris will make her vice presidential pick, and the two are reported to start campaigning together immediately in Pennsylvania. The smart money says that means Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro will be her running mate. He will be hailed by the press as the smartest, most effective vice presidential pick ever — compliments for Shapiro meant to shine on Harris for her wisdom in picking him.


The same media gloss will happen, of course, even if she goes with Zombie Hitler instead of Shapiro.

Momentum from the veep announcement will carry Harris through a series of tightly scripted events on her way to the even more tightly scripted Democratic National Convention in Chicago beginning Aug. 19. Four days of Harris hagiography at the DNC will be more than any normal person's liver could take, but I am not a normal person.

The well-oiled Democrat-Media Complex machinery is extra lubed up to give Harris a double-bounce in August, all the way to the White House.

Harris remains what she has always been: glib, awkward, and unprepared. I'm not saying that the Democrat-Media Complex can't push her over the finish line because they might just pull it off.

But it will be so much easier for them — child's play really — if they can convince you, starting right now, that "It's all over but the rigged voting."

Don't fall for it. Don't let them win by default.

Recommended: Sorry, But Kamala Harris Is Not 'Weirdly Unpopular'

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