Biden Wants to Fundamentally Transform Supreme Court, but What About 'President' Harris?

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

The small team of puppeteers that operate the nearly vacant husk of the man that once was Presidentish Joe Biden decided today to have him make another major policy announcement — a fundamental restructuring of the Supreme Court — that is already DOA in the Republican House. Also, nobody cares because everyone knows that President Kamala Harris won't make any serious moves until after her re-election in November.


Yeah, you heard me.

But before we get to the White House palace intrigues, let's take a look at Biden's proposals, which landed with all the authority of a flat-earther's screed about the Apollo moon landings being faked.

After weeks of teasing — a time so long ago that the media still pretended he was a serious and capable candidate for president — Biden revealed on Monday "his" plan for reshaping and reforming the Supreme Court.

Under Biden's plan, revealed today in a demagogic op-ed ostensibly penned by the ostensible POTUS, SCOTUS judges would be term-limited to 18 years on the bench and subject to "a binding code of conduct." The other major reform would be a constitutional amendment called "No One Is Above the Law" (cringe branding) that would "make clear that there is no immunity for crimes a former president committed while in office."

Emphasis in the original.

Recommended: VIDEO: Harris Unburdened by Knowledge or Facts in Latest Word Salad

Left unsaid is that the Supreme Court wouldn't have to wing it on things like immunity if Congress would just write some laws defining it. Constitutional amendments dictating what lawmakers refuse to do have typically gone nowhere, as will this one. 

Also, I'd be willing to trade term limits on SCOTUS in exchange for term limits on Congress. I'd even be willing to trade a SCOTUS code of conduct for voter laws mandating photo ID, purple fingers, same-day voting, and paper ballots.

But the Left doesn't want to deal. It wants to upend the Supreme Court on its terms, period.


President Harris endorsed the plan almost at once, which might be the only interesting thing about it, at least until after the election. Biden's flip-flop on SCOTUS is huge but should not be seen as his. As my friend and colleague Ed Morrissey put it earlier today at Hot Air, "It does serve Kamala Harris, however, and appears to align much closer to the views of her progressive allies than it does Biden's previous positions on such changes."

White House policy now serves to reelect the real acting president, not the fake acting president. Does that sound confusing, as though nobody is in charge? Well, yes. Biden's incapacity should have caused Harris and the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment so that there might be an orderly transfer of power.

But that would require political courage, something in short supply in the Biden-Harris — or is that Harris-Biden? — White House.

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