Introducing President Whatevs

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It's President Kamala Harris or bust for Democrats, so let's take a look at the Woman Who Would Be POTUS... if only she could be bothered.

In one of his crueler acts, Presidentish Joe Biden almost immediately gave Harris the job of fixing the southern border that they broke. The Biden-Harris administration — that is how they prefer to be addressed — went to work on destroying the border even before they were sworn in. Biden promised he'd undo President Donald Trump's changes and halt construction on the wall, and the hiking masses gathered in the weeks before the inaugural. 


Instead of looking at and addressing issues at the actual border, Harris made a big show of addressing "the root causes" and sending money to Central America. You can bet the money was spent, but the root causes remain.

Nobody summed up Harris's inattention to her first Big Girl job better than Harris herself.

Harris was finally shamed, if that's the word, into making a brief visit to the border on June 25, 2021. Whatever it was she was supposed to be doing as Biden's border czar, she basically abandoned the job just a couple of months after her visit. "The issue has vanished from her schedule," the New York Post wrote in May of 2022, and "she hasn’t hosted an immigration event in nine months."

Then there's Ukraine.

Called "the most critical foreign trip of her vice presidency," Harris helmed the U.S. delegation to the 2022 Munich Security Conference while Biden hit the beach in Delaware. Secretary of State Antony Blinken accompanied her, but as CNN [linked above] indicated, Harris was to be the star of the show.

Harris assured Europe and the world that sanctions would deter Russia but also contradicted herself, saying that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin had already made up his mind to invade. "Within the context then of the fact that that window is still opening, altho- — open, although it is absolutely narrowing," Harris said at the time. "But within the context of a diplomatic path still being open, the deterrence effect, we believe, has merit."


Not exactly Churchill, is she? Or even either of the Bushes; take your pick. By most accounts, Harris doesn't do her homework and takes it out on staffers when she flubs in public — or helps start a war.

Less than 48 hours after Harris's word salad was dressed and tossed, Putin ordered the full-scale invasion.

Instead of being the star who saved Europe from its first major war since 1945, her performance got memory-holed.

Harris has certainly been busy creating the appearance of being vice president, but, like her boss, she doesn't have much to show for it other than a broken border and a major war. Her blase attitude makes me think of her as Vice President Whatevs. The country can't afford President Whatevs.

And those are just her two biggest policy failures. On a personal level, she's the most awkward vice president since Spiro Agnew accidentally ate a hash brownie. She's practically wearing an Edgar suit.

It's an unanswered question who has been acting as president for the last few months or years, but it certainly hasn't been Kamala Harris. She's either blithely failed or been AWOL on the jobs given to her, and the four (five?) efforts at retooling her public image haven't worked.


And yet, they must try again — and Democrats have less than four months to make her look accomplished and likable. 


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