Welp. John Fetterman Is Back on the Dark Side.

AP Photo/Ryan Collerd, File

"Quit making me like him," I posted to X on Tuesday after Recovered Stroke Victim/Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) got off another one of those based zingers that keep making me like him, despite many serious and intractable policy differences.


According to CBS News congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane, when asked what Presidentish Joe Biden could do to improve his election chances, the towering senator/hoodie enthusiast quipped, "Maybe we can encourage President Biden to bang a porn star."

I thought I was going to chuckle the rest of the day, but Fetterman quickly spoiled the mood.

Here's Fetterman's political posturing — the lie he told — that reminded me of why today's Democrats are not the Democrats even dyed-in-the-wool conservatives like President Ronald Reagan could do business with.

Make no mistake, this was a horrible crime. But it was not a hate crime; it was not driven by bigotry, yet the Progressive Left is doing its best to twist the senseless murder of a 14-year-old to their political advantage. 

And that includes John Fetterman, who has the social-media savvy to occasionally pass for based.

ASIDE: Let's differentiate between actual sufferers of gender dysphoria (mostly young men), awkward adolescents (mostly girls) who have become victims of the transexual social contagion, and the sickos (male sociopaths) who have weaponized our sympathies to perform sex shows for children, violate women's spaces with impunity, and worse. Crime statistics going back decades show that those who are genuinely gender dysphoric are far more likely than typical people to be crime victims, not perpetrators. 


Based on what I've been able to glean from various news reports, 14-year-old Pauly Likens almost certainly fell into that first group — an adolescent male with gender dysphoria, doing her best to pass as a teenage girl.

ANOTHER ASIDE: Pronouns have become so politicized (!!!) in the last few years that just writing or speaking about these things has become needlessly ridiculous and difficult. Previously, I've always tried to do the polite thing and refer to each gender dysphoric person as the sex they publicly present. Some might see that as a tacit endorsement of the current political rage/social contagion/weaponized sexuality — but please don't.

Likens reportedly met up around 3 a.m. on June 23 with an adult gay man — 29-year-old DaShawn Watkins — at a public park in her hometown of Sharon, Pa., presumably for sex. On the same day Likens was reported missing, June 25, her remains were found.

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NBC News reported on Monday, July 8, that the local "coroner’s office identified the remains as those of Likens on [the previous] Wednesday. Police said that the cause of death was 'sharp force trauma to the head' and that her body had been dismembered by 'some type of cutting instrument.'"


"Mercer County District Attorney Peter C. Acker said that, as of now, authorities do not suspect the homicide was motivated by anti-transgender hate," the report continued, "but he said that could change as the investigation proceeds."

Pennsylvania officials have known for at least a week that Likens' murder was almost certainly a hookup gone monstrously wrong and had nothing to do with bigotry or hate — and that's exactly how the national media reported the crime since at least Monday.

Nevertheless, Fetterman on Tuesday decided to twist the story for political advantage.

That's not based. That's sick.


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