U.S. Bases in Europe on Second-Highest Alert for Terrorist Threat

AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda

Let's kick off Monday morning with a news item that doesn't involve Presidentish Joe Biden or the execrable Biden clan propping him up like the "Weekend at Bernie's" corpse if Bernie had been made out of money and power.


You're welcome, America.

Instead, let's talk about what looks like an all-too-real terrorist threat against our men and women in uniform overseas.

On second thought, maybe we shouldn't all be patting ourselves on the back for the sudden addition of this new story.

According to Open Source Intelligence Monitor — a trusted source with over a million followers — most U.S. military bases "under United States European Command (EUCOM) in Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania have now been placed on Heightened Alert, with their Force Protection Condition (FPCON) being raised to Charlie." That's the second-highest threat level, and the reason is still unknown. Or, to be more precise, is likely known by the intelligence community but hasn't been publicly released.

Author and intel specialist Malcolm Nance explained, "This is for base perimeter defense & personnel security.  It means there may be a viable terrorist threat."


"A FPCON Change like this for U.S. European Command, besides during Exercises, hasn’t occurred in 10-15 Years," OSINT also reported.

As I understand it, this kind of alert doesn't happen very often outside of bases in high-risk areas like our air base at Incerlik, Turkey, or in Greece during the Bad Old Days when the Revolutionary Organization 17 November communist group was targeting American military personnel stationed there. (Ask me more about that sometime. My father-in-law and his family had to get re-based out of the country quite suddenly in 1990 — he was the commander of Hellenikon Air Base — when 17N somehow figured out where they lived.)

Moscow has been increasingly frisky in Europe, firebombing the occasional arms factory among other stunts, and the Islamic threat never fully goes away. So if you're wondering who the bad guys are, those are the two best guesses.

If there is something bad brewing, it's likely the kind of bad that takes months to brew. Whoever the bad guys are, they saw a window of opportunity, perhaps in no small part because the U.S. commander-in-chief has long been known (despite what the lapdog media reported before last week) as weak on foreign threats on his best days and increasingly infirm, too.


Sorry about that. I promised us both that I wouldn't let this column veer into Biden territory but that's an almost impossible task when The Most Powerful Man in the World™ looks increasingly like the end of "The Wizard of Oz" if the man pulling levers behind the curtain had been revealed to be a zombified corpse. 

Here's to hoping that the threat turns out to be nothing and that our men and women in Europe can soon resume normal lives and duty. 

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