
German Teen Raped by Immigrants, Woman Sentenced to Prison for 'Insulting' One

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

A 15-year-old girl was gang-raped in a Hamburg, Germany, city park last year by 10 men, one of whom remains at large. The girl was reportedly heavily intoxicated in addition to being underage. The assault lasted more than two hours. 

Wait, it gets worse.

Eight of the convicted were between the ages of 16 and 20 and five of them were immigrants from Syria, Montenegro, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Armenia. The other five were described as being German citizens but not whether they were naturalized. Based on this line from the Die Welt report (translated by Safari) — "All have also been socialized in Germany long enough to understand the injustice of their actions." — it's clear that all ten rapists were originally from other countries. The men are believed to have video recorded at least parts of the attack, although the video(s) were deleted before authorities could capture them as evidence.

It's difficult enough for a country to serve justice to its own criminals, much less when it imports them from abroad. 

But somehow it gets still worse.

Eight of the nine rapists of a 15-year-old will not serve any time in person. They received suspended sentences, instead. The ninth man was sentenced to less than three years in prison — for the two-hour-long gang rape of a teenage girl — and all must perform 60 hours of community service. What a joke. The tenth was acquitted.

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"The judge overseeing the case noted that none of the defendants expressed remorse over the attack," Human Events reported.

And yet... there is worse to come.

Another German woman, a 20-year-old whose name has not been released, somehow found on Snapchat the phone number of one of the men who received a suspended sentence. She then contacted him on WhatsApp, where she called him a "dishonorable rapist pig" and a "disgusting miscarriage."

I think we can agree those assessments are spot-on for any rapist and doubly so for anyone who participates in the two-hour gang rape of a 15-year-old girl in a public park.

The woman also told the convicted rapist that he would "not be able to go anywhere anymore" without being beaten up which, sadly, seems to be wishful thinking.

But the woman's WhatsApp "assault" was too much for German authorities, who arrested her for making "insulting" remarks to the immigrant. She'll serve three days beginning on Friday in the Hahnöfersand youth detention center — a sentence three days longer than the rapist she insulted.

Is it any wonder that Europe's youth are turning to the Right?


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