
Insanity Wrap: A Los Angeles Police Union Official Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

(Promotional still courtesy of Paramount Pictures.)

A high-ranking Los Angeles police union official told her members to do the one thing that union officials never say to their members. That’s the big crazy on today’s Insanity Wrap — an entire week’s worth of nuttiness wrapped up in one easy-to-swallow medicated news capsule.


  • Won’t you give these radical climate protestors a hand?
  • Israeli president Isaac Herzog’s face says everything about Biden that Democrats can’t.
  • Here come the tragic detransition lawsuits.

Before we get to today’s big story, here’s a short video to make you lose whatever little faith you might still have in humanity.

How Long Can You Stand to Watch?

In this week’s “How Long Can You Stand to Watch?” challenge, I made it all of 18 seconds before closing the tab with extreme prejudice.

How long did you last?

Exit Question: How did an OB-GYN who believes men can give birth ever graduate medical school? She’s really no different than an astrophysicist who doesn’t believe in gravity.

Los Angeles Police Union Official Dares to Tell the Truth

Los Angeles Police Union Official Says the Impossible

“Escape from L.A.” was a sequel that should never have been made, and it’s also what Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) vice president Jerretta Sandoz basically told her officers to do.

According to a blockbuster report this week in the Los Angeles Times, Sandoz vented on Facebook that L.A. police should quit and go to some other city that “understands your worth.”

“Go somewhere that has a city council or city manager that openly acknowledges the great work you do,” she wrote. “Go somewhere that doesn’t have Two or more City Council members who hate you (no exaggeration).”

Sandoz — who has served as LAPPL vice president for eight years — quickly deleted the post but not before someone screencapped it and eventually provided a copy to the Times.

The truth must have hurt, because Sandoz was telling her members to go somewhere that “you don’t have to beg for a great contract” just weeks before the city’s contract with the union expired on June 30.

The Times also reports that the Los Angeles Police Department, once nearly 10,000 strong, is down about 1,000 officers from the force’s 2019 level. That’s the year before the Mostly Peaceful Riots in Fiery Memory of St. George Floyd.

Even though she deleted the Facebook item, Sandoz later said, “I stand by every word I wrote to those who decided or are strongly considering leaving the LAPD for another agency.”

Public sector unions exist for the sake of public sector unions. Increase the membership rolls, increase the dues, increase the budget — lather, rinse, repeat. For a vice president of a public sector union to tell members of her union (that’s already “hemorrhaging officers,” as the Times put it) to pack up and leave might just be unprecedented.

As I’ve written here before, #DefundThePolice didn’t actually need to cut any budgets to accomplish its mission of de-policing America’s major cities. All it needed to do was demoralize the police, largely by getting City Hall to turn their backs on the cops.

Jerretta Sandoz understands that and, to her great credit, isn’t afraid to speak the truth.

Previously On Insanity Wrap: California Officially Becomes ‘The Child-Trafficking State’

Before We Continue, Here’s a Short Video to Restore Your Faith in Everything…

If you aren’t smiling, please consult your doctor to see if you still have a pulse.

Here Come the Tragic Detransition Lawsuits

Young North Carolina woman sues the doctors who put her on testosterone at age 17, saying she needed therapy, not a double mastectomy

Now 25, Prisha Mosley was having a troubled adolescence. Probably worse than most, but not as bad as some, Mosley suffered from anorexia, anxiety, depression, and a sexual assault at age 14. By 15, she’d discovered transgenderism online and decided that “transitioning” would cure her of her ills.

This is almost too tragic to write about, but her lawsuit states that doctors lied to her. Instead of providing the counseling Mosley desperately needed, here’s what she got instead, according to the complaint:

They lied when they told Mosley she was actually a boy; they lied when they told her that injecting testosterone into her body would solve her numerous, profound mental and psychological health problems.

They lied by omission, withholding critical information from her about the long-term adverse health consequences and permanent damage these treatments would cause her, and failing to inform her of alternative courses of treatment for her psychological problems

Here’s the kicker. Mosley was started on testosterone injections at age 17 (and a double mastectomy of healthy breast tissue at 18) “over objections from her parents, who said their daughter had other problems that needed treatment — but they were sidelined from key medical decisions.”

All Mosley wants is to be the woman she was meant to be, but her “transition” has left her with “a deep voice, body and facial hair, pain in her neck and shoulders, a damaged vagina, and she will not be able to breastfeed and may be infertile.” All of this came “after brief consultations, one lasting only minutes.”

If your reaction to Mosley’s experience with these so-called “health care providers” is: “I hope she sues those SOBs out of existence,” I’m sure we’d get along just fine over a drink or two sometime.

Quote(s) of the Week

Insanity Wrap Present Defiant L Nury Martinez

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself.

Your Weekly Dose of Mandated Unity

We’re living in one of those black comedies about a monarch who’s clearly losing his mind and/or faculties but everyone is afraid to say something because you never know who he’ll randomly lash out at and have beheaded.

But instead of old-fashioned beheadings, we’ve got fully modern nukes!

Sleep tight, gentle reader.

Play Stupid Games…

World's Smallest Violin Plays for Loser Radical Democrats

German climate activists may face amputation

…win stupid prizes:

Extremist activists protested the authorities’ inaction on climate change, symbolically sacrificing their own hands to express their outrage. Their action caused severe delays and chaos. It has since emerged that the activists’ protest was not so much symbolic as it turned out that only amputation can free the activists from the glue used in the construction industry.

Want a #ProTip? Don’t be stupid on purpose.

Recommended: Tom Cruise, Mohammed, South Park, and Why Streaming Sucks

A quick little something before we get to the closing meme…

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One More Thing…

That’s a Wrap for this week.

Come back next week for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.

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