DeSantis Sends Some Illegals to Martha's Vineyard and Right-Twitter Can't Stop Laughing

Carolyn Kaster

The Martha’s Vineyard Left’s hysterical response to 50 illegal aliens sent to enjoy the posh environs shows that our border crisis can supply a few laughs.


I mean, our problem isn’t all drug cartel mules, sex traffickers, ruthless coyotes, hungry families, and death out in the desert. Sometimes it includes good-natured fun to be had in pointing out a cluster of Lefty hypocrisy so conspicuous that Barack Obama might deign to summer there.

Shall we begin?

“You’re doing it wrong! Those people belong in those states, not ours.”

Italicizing “those” was the best I could do until somebody invents a disdain font.

I’d also like to give a shout-out to the unknown tweep who replied to Sean Davis with: “Give THEM your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning…”


Let’s go to my old buddy Jim Treacher for this next item.

I’m told the eats at Artcliff Diner are very tasty and relatively affordable. There are even vegan options for our pickier migrants.

Is this really what has our progressive friends so upset?

And then there’s one of my favorite tweeps, Kate Hyde, because she never fails to amuse.


As much as the Left loves tearing down statues, pulling down this one would be their Bogart & Bacall, their Harry and Sally, their Restless in Seattle (SWIDT?) of monument-smashing.

David Harsanyi is one of the sharpest columnists around, so leave it to him to find the angle that’s both funny and practical.

“The beginning of another holocaust!” says MadBertie.

Speaking of the Holocaust, one Lefty actually went there — but Ben Shapiro set him straight.

Excuse the profanity in this next one, but just remember that these t-shirts aren’t being marketed to or purchased by conservatives.

My, how times have changed since [checks watch] yesterday afternoon.


The memes have been pretty impressive, too.

Finally, I’m not much for drinking games. Who has time to play around when there are serious cocktails to dive into?

Still, here’s a drinking game I think the whole family might enjoy.

Stay tuned because I don’t think the fun is nearly over. Just think of all the wealthy lefty havens where DeSantis or Texas Governor Greg Abbot haven’t sent illegals.

Marin County, I’m looking at you. Aspen? Or how about Highland Park, where illegals might wave “Hi” to Obama.

The possibilities are almost endless, and so are the laughs.

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