Insanity Wrap #172: Communist China Has a Friend in the Oval Office

Li Xueren/Xinhua via AP

Insanity Wrap needs to know: Suppose they threw a second Cold War but only one side came?

Answer: You don’t have to suppose a thing.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • Colorado is about to go all-in on socialized medicine
  • CNN can’t figure out how to quit Trump
  • Where are you on the Progressive Victimhood Pecking Order? Nobody knows!

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Insanity Wrap Has Had It Up to HERE with Biden and Xi
 (AP Photo/Los Angeles Times, Jay L. Clendenin, Pool)


Biden’s State Dept Just Deleted A Website Which Chronicled China’s Genocidal Human Rights Abuses

Suppose they threw a second Cold War but only one side came?

That’s how Insanity Wrap has felt for these last couple of months:

The site – “The Chinese Communist Party’s Human Rights Abuses in Xinjiang” – contained five sections: “What’s Happening in Xinjiang,” “Forced Population Control,” “Forced Labor” “Violations of Religious Freedom,” and “Secretary Pompeo’s Statements.”

The site appears to have been scrubbed on January 21st, 2021 – the first full day of the Biden regime.

Communist China is explicit in its desire to overturn the postwar international order.

That order was largely shaped by and for the benefit of the United States.

Imperfect as it is, it’s better than anything the CCP would replace it with.

Maintaining that order against Communist aggression requires a full-spectrum effort, including military readiness, concerted diplomatic and economic actions, and constant reminders of the evil nature of the CCP.


President Porchlight removed one of those reminders almost before Trump’s Resolute desk chair got cold.

“Ready to Be Xi’s Bitch on Day One” isn’t much of a slogan, but Insanity Wrap supposes it’s the one Biden has.

Hot Blue-on-Blue Action

Insanity Wrap wishes we could keep track of the Progressive Victimhood Pecking Order, but it changes too quickly and too randomly for anyone to say anything about with authority aside from “It fits the needs of the Party at the moment.”

If you want some hardcore honesty, Jews haven’t even been near the official list since Israel won the Six-Day War in 1967. That’s when Jews stopped being victims — giving the Left no further place for them on the Victimhood Pecking Order.

Setting various groups against one another and then placating them based on arbitrary and ever-changing victimhood status is known as “Unity.”


Crisis by Design

Biden is botching his first crisis

This is from Scott Jennings, a CNN contributor and a GOP campaign adviser.

Insanity Wrap isn’t sure if he’s being naive by accident or design:

Make no mistake — this is a crisis, and one of Biden’s making. Some media organizations have managed to interview some of the migrants. Over and over, the reporters were told the same thing — these migrants were coming to America because Biden told them they could. Biden issued a 100-day moratorium on most deportations, which a federal judge blocked, and ended the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” rule. He has also halted the construction of Trump’s wall, though some scholars question the legality of pausing mid-build.

If there was one bright line dividing the Democratic and Republican parties in last year’s election — and in the actions of the last two chief executives — it was immigration. Biden ran against Trump’s so-called “racist” policies and pledged to reverse his immigration restrictions and border security measures. The message was sent loud and clear: with Trump gone, the border is open.

Well, yes.

So how is Presidentish Biden “botching” the response?

The border was similarly chaotic and crime-infested during the Obama administration until Trump fixed it.


Biden went right back to Obama’s failed policies, exactly as he promised to do.

He hasn’t botched anything. This is exactly what he and his administration wanted, and that’s why they aren’t reversing any of their Obama-inspired policies.

This is a crisis by design, not by mistake.

Your Daily Dose of Mostly Peaceful Protest

1971: “By 2021 we’ll have flying cars!”

2021: “Forget the flying cars — anybody can be on TV!”

The Craziest Person in the World (Today)

I Wish I Knew How To Quit You

A brief Insanity Wrap news roundup:

It isn’t so much that Trump is living rent-free inside the heads of the media and anti-Trump Republicans.

It’s more that without Trump, they might not be able to keep making the rent.

Your Daily Dose of Mandated Unity


Diversity is our strength!

Bad people come in all colors.

So do good people.

And as Insanity Wrap has more and more opportunities to get back out into the world, we get more and more reminders that the good ones far outnumber the bad ones.

And Now For a Brief Moment of Sanity

When the 24/7 News Barrage Leaves You Deeply Sad, How Do You Handle the Heartache?


Well, no.

But if you’re looking for a vaccination against despair, you could do worse than spending 15 minutes or so with Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, and Yours Truly (without our Insanity Wrap guise) on today’s episode of Right Angle.

Here’s Another Damn Thing We’re Supposed to Be Concerned About

Apparently, the fools who run our state government in Denver don’t realize that doctors are free to move to other states where they’re free to practice medicine more freely.

It must be that word “free” the fools aren’t familiar with.

One More Thing…

TDS is Murderous

Trump Derangement Syndrome can lead to all kinds of nasty side effects.


That’s a Wrap for today.

Come back tomorrow for another Insanity Wrap…

…assuming we make it that long.

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Previously On Insanity Wrap: One of Our Presidents Is Missing!
Previously On Insanity Wrap: The Trouble With Harry


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