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You may remember last week’s news from the UK about Goldsmiths university “welfare and diversity officer” Bahar Mustafa, who insisted that as a “an ethnic minority woman” she couldn’t possibly “be racist or sexist towards white men,” despite excluding them from her “diversity” event.
Well, now there’s this:
The Goldsmiths diversity officer embroiled in a racism row could lose her job after allegedly tweeting with the hashtag “kill all white men”.
Ms Mustafa said in a statement the use of the term “white trash” – an offensive American term referring to poor white people following the Great Depression – on an official account had been “not professional”.But she added the uses of hashtags such as “kill all white men” on her personal account were “in-jokes and ways that many people in the queer feminist community express ourselves”.
Such hateful forms of self-expression should be banned for the sake of diversity.
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