Cover Oregon, that state’s deeply troubled ♡bamaCare!!! marketplace is now an ex-exchange:
Cover Oregon was plagued by problems almost from its onset. No Oregonian was ever able to enroll online in a private plan under the Affordable Care Act because the state exchange never had a functioning website, forcing insurance seekers to file paper applications.
In April, state officials voted unanimously to switch over to the federal health insurance exchange,, citing the high cost of trying to fix the problematic state marketplace. The Oregon exchange had cost the state $248 million.
Additional controversy erupted in August when Oracle Corp., which was hired to create the exchange, sued the state agency in charge. The company alleged a breach of contract and accused then-Gov. John Kitzhaber of attempting to “vilify the company in the media.”
A quarter of a billion dollars to build a website which never once worked for just one person. Remember when ♡bamaCare!!! was going to save us billions by eliminating “waste and fraud?”
Seriously — you can Google that; it was a real thing Obama said.
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