When Your Opponent Is Digging a Hole, Hand Him a Shovel

Tom Dougherty:

Human beings by nature are doers, meddlers and tweakers. We are too frequently incapable of just stepping aside and letting circumstances run their inevitable course, but that’s what the GOP must do.

The only thing more chaotic than the actual roll out of healthcare.gov and the implementation of the ACA itself is the panic within the Democratic Party. This is not a fire that needs gas poured on it to burn out of control and that is precisely why Republicans should take to the sidelines for the immediate future.

Regardless of the problems and panic by the administration and Congressional Democrats, the ACA cannot be defunded or repealed now so that’s the last thing the GOP needs to bring back to the table. We still have much damage done to the party’s approval rating and image to repair, so any talk of those issues is simply counterproductive and ill-advised. Let it go!


What Tom says in the lede is doubly true for Americans, who are by nature entrepreneurial problem-solvers. Show us a river, we’ll bridge it. At least that’s how it used to be before the vile Progs got a hold of the entire regulatory apparatus.

So now that they have the reins, it’s foolish for the rest of us to stand on the side of the road, shouting, “Whoooooaa, boy!”


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