Partners in Crime

More of our senile foreign policy in action:

U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry offered qualified praise Monday for the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, crediting Syrian authorities for cooperating with a United Nations mandate to destroy the nation’s chemical stockpiles.

In comments in Bali, where he is attending an international economic summit, Kerry said U.S. authorities were “very pleased” at progress in the chemical weapons disarmament plan, calling it “a terrific example of global cooperation,” according to a State Department transcript of Kerry’s remarks.

The top U.S. diplomat singled out Assad’s government for its collaboration with international inspectors now on the ground in Syria and working to carry out the ambitious disarmament blueprint.


That’s like congratulating a downing man for grasping at the lifesaver you threw to him. Meanwhile, we’ll now the guarantors of the Assad regime, since there’s no other way to safely get to, and dispose of, all his chemical weapons stocks.



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