But other than that, Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom was great on the stump:
“One congressman said that Obamacare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed,” Obama said in Largo, Md. “Ever, in the history of America, this is the most dangerous piece of legislation. Providing — creating a marketplace so people can buy group insurance plan, the most dangerous ever.”
“You had a state representative somewhere say that it’s as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act,” he added. “Think about that. Affordable health care is worse than a law that lets slave owners get their runaway slaves back. I mean, these are quotes. I’m not making this stuff up.”
Here’s the thing. He is making this stuff up — the stuff about ObamaCare creating a free market, and making health care affordable. What ObamaCare does is set up little boutiques where everyone (which is hardly anyone) is forced to sell overpriced, fancy goods to people who are required to buy them.
I’m not sure where that’s free and I’m not sure how that’s affordable — but whatevs, right? Gotta make a speech to drum up support.
But the speech Wiggleroom gave is not the type of speech that wins the middle. It’s the kind of speech that rallies the base. The most recent Rasmussen robopoll shows that only 30% of Americans think ObamaCare will actually improve the economy. Curiously, about 30% of the electorate consists of Democrats.
In other words, the base is pretty well rallied. The Kool-Aid drinkers’ tongues are all stained bright red. And he’s not going to win over any Republicans, period. Certainly not after the way he’s treated them the last five years, beginning with “I won.”
What Wiggleroom needs to do is appeal to middle of the country, where there are still some hearts and minds to be won. His problem is, those hearts and those minds are sitting atop empty wallets.
Empty because of ObamaCare and nearly five years of Obamanomics.
They’re not listening to the Professor anymore — and for good reason.
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