The Tax That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Don’t think of it as a hidden tax — think of it as a cost-of-living adjustment. Just not the kind that puts money in your pocket:

Already weary of high gas prices and 9.1 percent unemployment, many Americans are about to get another kick in the wallet thanks to large increases in their electricity bills.

From Alaska to Georgia and Wyoming to Florida, utilities are seeking permission to pass on hundreds of millions of dollars in new charges to customers to help upgrade aging infrastructure and build new or retrofitted power plants that comply with tougher environmental regulations, a Daily Beast review of regulatory filings has found.


Don’t act all surprised.

UPDATE: I’m sure the next story has nothing to do with the last story:

President Obama’s unpopularity is threatening Democrats’ hold on the governor’s mansion in West Virginia.

Sources close to Tuesday’s special election for the remaining year on now-Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) term as governor say the race continues to move in favor of Republican nominee Bill Maloney, who appears to be winning over the many undecided voters in the state. The race is now looking more and more like a toss-up, though Democrats remain confident they will pull it out in the end.

Regardless of where operatives come down on the final results, both agree that the reason for its narrowing is simple: Obama.

What is it again that they dig up lots of in West Virginia?


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