An Uncomfortable Position

Who in the White House do Democrats hate more than anyone else? Who in the White House do Republicans secretly love these days?

Would you believe it’s the same person?


And would you believe it’s Robert Gibbs? Read:

House Democrats spent much of Tuesday firing themselves up over Gibbs’ Sunday morning assertion that they could lose the House — and then Pelosi stepped to the podium at a nighttime caucus meeting in the basement of the Capitol to tell her members and all the president’s men how she really feels. Her aides already had gone through channels to express her displeasure to the White House, but Pelosi delivered the message directly to Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs Dan Turton, the top administration official present at the House Democrats’ meeting. “‘How could [Gibbs] know what is going on in our districts?’ Pelosi told her members.

Um… because he can read the polls, Nancy?

More seriously — but only barely — fewer things are more entertaining than the time-honored classic slapstick routine called the DC Circular Firing Squad. And think about that for a moment. The CFS gets the “Ready, aim, fire!” order when everything turns to shinola so quickly that a simple well-pointed finger doesn’t pack enough heat.

And yet… the Democrats control the White House and both sides of the Capitol Building, and by whopping margins. If they want laws, they can pass them. If they need money, they can borrow it. So what’s wrong? To put it bluntly, liberal policies have crashed head-first into reality.


You know, the reality that we can’t borrow our way out of a debt crisis, that we can’t spend our way out of deficits, that we can’t tax our way to full employment.

Oh, and the most hurtful reality of all — that when liberals implement their policies, Americans don’t like them. Not the policies, and not the liberals, either. Not one bit.

It’s at this point that rational actors would take a look at where the country is, where it’s heading, and what their policies were supposed to accomplish, then change those policies accordingly. I’ve already offered the Democrats my “Five By Five” plan free of charge, and they could use it to mop the floor with the GOP in November.

But we’re talking about Democrats here, who castigated the old Spendthrift Republican Congress for its shameful ways back when they were in the minority. But then the Democrats assumed power themselves and immediately doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on stupid.

Yet somehow, they’re shocked — shocked! — that after being elected to restore some fiscal sanity, the American people weren’t much pleased when the Democrats instead stripped down and opened endless cases of baby oil for the biggest spending orgy in human history. (Maybe somewhere there’s an alien race that’s done worse, but I suspect they’re extinct by now.)


Now the blame-gaming begins and the inevitable panic has set in, because Nancy Pelosi can read a poll just as well as Robert Gibbs can. The only mistake Gibbs made was to say in public what every Democrat must now fear in private. And here’s another thing to keep in mind: White House flacks never admit that something bad is even remotely possible until it’s almost certainly inevitable.

So stick that in your gavel and sit on it, Nancy.


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