Too Little, Too Late

I read an article over at CNBC about women’s network organizations wanting men to join up entitled, “Women’s networks to men: We want you!”:


Think women’s network, and one thing that probably does not come to mind is men.

Time to rethink that. In a new study by the Financial Women’s Association, an overwhelming majority of people agreed that “men are instrumental to the success of women,” and 39 percent agreed that men should join women’s networking groups that have been set up to promote and advance women in the workforce. …

Women’s networks have been a presence in many workplaces for years. The Financial Women’s Association, for example, was started in 1956 when several Wall Street women were shut out of a professional organization. But for the most part, these groups have been for women only.

The networks have helped women connect with each other and obtain feedback, and Openshaw said those features remain important to women.

So, since the fifties, these groups have been for women only. Now, after almost 60 years of reverse sexism, they aren’t getting anywhere with their exclusion of men and now want men to join? Seriously? Why would any men join up?


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