More trouble for Hillary? Tony Blankley thinks so:
If Ms. Pirro can mount a campaign capable of gaining a reasonable amount of attention acting as an annoying mosquito day after day and month after month, it is likely to bring out the most unappealing imperial manners in Ms. Clinton — as Queen Hillary ignores or dismisses each of the charges.
As her 63 percent lead dwindles to a still respectable 57 percent or 56 percent or 55 percent next summer, she and her campaign advisers may suddenly feel the need to do something. She may take a liberal stand on a few issues to re-build enthusiasm in her base south of 96 Street. That may well save her re-election bid from embarrassment, but it would undercut her eight-year presidential strategy of pretending to be moderate.
Pirro is looking like a smarter and smarter choice – even though she’d probably lose.
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