Michael Novak, writing for the Wall Street Journal in 2002:
Some years [after the revolutions of 1989], in fact, U.S. arms negotiators, reminiscing over the bad old days with their now-no-longer Soviet counterparts at a happy dinner, were interrupted by a fist slamming down upon the table. “You know what caused the downfall of the Soviet Union? You know what did it?” demanded a senior general, a little flush with vodka.
Some racked their brains with thoughts of missile defense, perpetual shortages of everything from soap to vodka, the U.S. military buildup. The general banged his fist again. “That damn speech about the evil empire! That’s what did it!” The general was standing now, and to the questioning eyes of one American he added: “It was an evil empire. It was.”
Let’s say it one more time today — never forget. It was.
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