Hot off Drudge:
Democratic Party officials now say that Howard Dean has slipped into turbulent territory, the NY TIMES is planning to report in Tuesday editions, beset by challenges and problems in both Iowa and New Hampshire, the two states where he was looking to nail down the nomination with early decisive wins.
Newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT how NYT’s Nagourney is polishing a story about the Dean troubles.
“Dean’s supporters expressed distress Monday at what many described as his faltering performance in a televised debate over the weekend, the latest in a series of difficulties he has encountered here,” Nagourney claims.
“With the rest of the field working in Iowa, Gen. Wesley Clark has taken advantage in New Hampshire to move up in the polls behind Dean, drawing crowds that are beginning to rival Dean’s and threatening his once dominant position in the state.”
More in a bit.
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