Strong Wake-Up Coffee Department
We woke up to this lede in a World Tribune story: “Western diplomatic sources said Al Qaida insurgents have infiltrated the West Bank and Gaza Strip in an effort to determine whether the movement should make the Palestinian areas into their new home. The sources said Al Qaida appears to prefer the Gaza Strip over more distant locations such as Somalia.”
VodkaPundit started saying Monday that Arafat’s end was going to come sooner rather than later — and perhaps sooner than most reasonable people would think. If this report is true, then the Palestinian Authority has become the new Taliban, i.e. the new national host of al Qaida. If that’s the case, then they should be treated in exactly the same way.
Don’t worry about Yasser pulling a Mullah Omar routine and escaping. We won’t be trying to stop his escape with 1,000 mile carrier air sorties and local tribal warriors. Oh, no. We’ll have the entire Israeli Defense Force on our side. Well, minus whatever they need to keep a very watchful eye on the Syrian front. Just enough to make sure Little Assad Junior remembers why he doesn’t want to play host to al Qaida.
Mr. Arafat, don’t even bother to pack — you ain’t going nowhere. This isn’t Jordan, this isn’t Beirut, and it certainly isn’t Tunis. It’s WWIII, and you’re on the wrong side.
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