Kamala's Ride on the Bright Yellow Economic Short Bus

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File

There's a reason why Kamala Harris has been Joe Biden's on-the-side veep, secreted in the political backwaters and stuck with jobs like the Border Czar in which she predictably failed miserably. Kamala and her Obama team are busy scrubbing her radical statements, sidling up with fellow travelers in the media, astroturfing events, and paying influencers on TikTok to make her look cool, but they can't erase everything. She's hoping that what can be her presidency will be unburdened by what has been her abjectly awful record on the issues. 


We've heard all about the Vice President's giddiness about Venn Diagrams and yellow electric school buses, but the apparent Democratic nominee has an even worse record on serious policy matters, such as inflation.

Now, some of Harris's statements about the nation's worst bout of inflation in decades have resurfaced. Her responses explain why the Democrats' candidate isn't taking reporters' questions but reading teleprompters instead. 

In 2021, a masked reporter asked the veep a question about inflation. 

The U.S. is experiencing record inflation, the worst in 30 years, way beyond expectations. OPEC didn't increase oil production. Can you tell us a little bit about how you would prevent this, the new spending and your Build Back Better agenda from exacerbating the problem and also, what else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation?

Harris's response to reporters was a combo of her patronizing explanation of the Russia invasion of Ukraine to The Morning Hustle radio show and her clueless yellow school bus word salad. 

"Well, let's start with this," she told the reporters. Implicit in the question, of course, was that prices have gone up because of government overspending and that OPEC was raising gas prices, increasing the prices of everything.  Everyone knows that. But Vice President Tautology explained, "Prices have gone up, and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of — of the — that bread costs more, the gas costs more, and we have to understand what that means," said the person to whom people were looking for the explanation of "what that means." 


Vice President Tautology continued. "That's about the cost of living going up. That's about having to stress and stretch limited resources." Thank you, Captain Obvious. 

With that amount of daylight burned by her non-answer, she continued that more government spending in the $1.3 Trillion World Economic Forum-inspired "Build Back Better" program would bring down prices. At least that's what I think she's trying to say. 

"That's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic, but is on a daily level, something that is a heavyweight to carry," she pandered. 

"So it is something that we take very seriously. But there is also a point that is important to make on the build back better framework, one it is designed to make it less expensive for working people to live," she burbled. 

In its purest form, Harris said that more government spending would cost the taxpayers less.

Lest you think that funny TikTok did her dirty, The Hill's edited version was arguably worse.

“Build Back Better is not going to cost anything, we’re paying for it,” Harris lied.

Even Biden admitted at the time that the unnecessary $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill fueled the "declining buying power of the U.S. dollar..." 


There's a name for that. 

The Davos bill didn't pass, but bad ideas never die. Eventually, the bill morphed into the ironically-named "Inflation Reduction Act" which itself was a repackaged "Green New Deal." That one passed because Democrats didn't think you'd notice. Of course, it caused even more inflation. 

Somebody should tell that story. 

Kamala may be dumb, but she can win. If a semi-comatose senile man could be stood up for this long by the same bunch, they can get an attractive dunce across the finish line with the help of deluded voters.


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