Run Faster! Video of Senators Chasing Secret Service Chief Is the Wildest Thing You'll See All Day

AP Photo/Morry Gash

It's hard to know what was a bigger surprise, the head of the U.S. Secret Service setting foot at the Republican National Convention (RNC) or the sight of senators chasing her down to get answers about the attempted assassination of GOP nominee Donald Trump. It was wild. 


Despite the attempt on Trump's life on Saturday in Butler, Pa., Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has been keeping a lower profile than one would expect from a boss whose agents nearly got the former president killed. In a shocking move, Cheatle, her boss, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Chris Wray were no-shows at a press conference that took place hours after the near-assassination of the former leader of the free world. 

Read about this embarrassment in the story “Don't Worry if You Missed FBI Presser on Trump Assassination Attempt. You Didn't Miss a Thing.” There was no representative from the Secret Service at the presser. 

At first, when the senators corralled the Secret Service chief on Wednesday evening, Cheatle listened to questions from Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), along with what appeared to be Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.). But then things took a turn and got even more interesting. When Cheatle put off the discussion for another time, she took off to go to a luxury box where she was entertaining people. The senators chased her up the stairs. 


"This was an assassination attempt! You owe the people answers!" Blackburn said loudly, hot on Cheatle's heels. "You owe President Trump answers!" she said in a breathless and raised voice. 

Related: Bungling of Trump Security Is Looking WORSE by the Second

Another senator yelled, "You're stonewalling!" Still another said, "You hung up on us!" This was an apparent reference to Cheatle and FBI chief Chris Wray's phone meeting with senators on Wednesday. 

Cheatle bugged out early from the meeting I told you about this Wednesday afternoon in the story called “Bungling of Trump Security Is Looking WORSE by the Second.” Take your blood pressure meds before you read it. 

The meeting came complete with ground rules that limited the number of questions senators were allowed to ask the two executive branch employees who are subject to House and Senate oversight on behalf of the American people. 


Before the chase began, Cheatle implored the senators to take their discussion behind closed doors, telling them, "I don't think this is the forum to have this discussion." She explained why she needed to get up to the luxury suite to thank the "partners who have helped secure the Republican National Convention, and I would not want to take away from their evening." Blackburn shot back, "What about the president's life?

Here's the full footage, which ironically was captured as RNC speakers talked about national security. 

My favorite part is where Blackburn reminds the boss lady that the Secret Service knew there was a threat on the grounds an hour before and still let Trump take the stage. Note her answer. The Secret Service chief told them she was very, very busy with a cocktail party. 

Barrasso told her they'd be accompanying her to get their answers. And as they walked and talked he angrily dressed her down. "No shame! No concern! You're supposed to be protecting the president of the United States! You answer to us! You answer to us!"


     For Our VIPS: Should the Right Copy the Left's Tactics?

Both Barrasso and Blackburn have demanded her resignation. 

Cheatle issued a social media post saying she was very busy not doing her job to accommodate their requests. 

Is she gone yet?

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