Reverent Media: Joe Will Break 'Vow of Silence' About His Elephant in His NYC Courtroom

Joe Biden has never brought up Donald Trump's case in New York because it is just too unseemly for a sitting President of the United States of America to acknowledge it. Too declasse. Too gauche. So, sniff, beneath him. But Politico has now reported a story revealing that the president soon will be unlashed from probity, unshackled from civility. 


The headline: "Biden has stayed silent on Trump’s trial," but, by gawd, "The verdict will change that." 

The. Gloves. Will. Be. Off. There will be many instances of "period, period, period" to come. "End of quote. Repeat the line," doggone it. The vanquisher of Corn Pop will be back. The White House alchemist is readying the Go Juice Cocktail as we speak. Hey, Fat, you wanna do some push-ups, huh? Well, do ya, you dog-faced pony soldier?

Indeed, any reaction to this prosecutorial in-kind campaign donation, paid for by New York taxpayers, set in motion by a painful crook of Joe's stiff right forefinger has been simply too beneath him. We can't believe that you brought it up. 

But now — finally — he'll be let out of his cage, freed from the shackles that have kept him from slurring what he really feels about this case. 

"Joe Biden plans to break his vow of silence," the website reported with reverence and awe. He will "publicly address the criminal trials Donald Trump is facing when a verdict is reached, four people familiar with internal deliberations told POLITICO."

Biden has brought it up, of course. Multiple times. The latest gambit to deploy his election minions to troll the Trump trial is today years old. By all means check out the story I wrote about it: BIDEN TEAM CONFIRMS: Trump NYC Trial Was a Biden-Produced Political Show Trial


And the time before that, just a few days ago, he was featured in an election video challenging Trump to a debate. Through the multiple jump cuts and edits, which people with epilepsy probably should avoid watching, Joe tried to make it sound as if Trump had been dodging, weaving, and avoiding a debate while Joe — oh, Joe — he danced around Orange Man with the grace and airbrushed footwork of Roger Federer in his prime. At Wimbledon. In a white sports coat embossed with a big "W" for White House.  

And Joe was heard to say (in my imagination): By gumbo, you youngin', I will challenge you to a duel! 

Joe announced the debate throwdown via X during the trial. "I hear you're free on Wednesdays!" the Translucent One piped out from the White House in reference to Judge Juan Merchan's day off during the trial.

Make my day.  

And what a day that will be. The jury will find Trump guilty, and Joe will announce that he would never deign to debate a man who is a convicted felon. He'll cancel the fake debate and stay in his basement in Wilmington. 


Politico reported the thought process behind Joe's announcement about the Trump trial. "Biden intends to initially address the verdict in a White House setting — not a campaign one — to show his statement isn’t political." 

That's comedy gold right there. 

"If the jury convicts Trump, Biden’s team will then argue that the result shows Trump is ill-suited for office and that it demonstrates the extremes to which the former president would go to win again," the website reported. Speaking of "extremes," how's the lawfare going, fellas?

And predictably, the "campaign’s social media team is considering leveraging the line of attack further, with discussions underway about referring to the ex-president online as 'Convicted Felon Donald Trump.'" 

You'd think they would have had the playbook figured out by now. After all, they've been planning this for years. 


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