Seattle Nazis Screech for Jewish Blood in the Streets, but, Sure, This Guy's Shirt Is the Problem

AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews

Maybe if instead of kaffiyeh cloths around their necks, all those thousands of Hamas supporters baying for Jewish blood in the streets of Seattle had worn this store clerk's t-shirt, people in Washington would understand what was happening to the soul of their state.  


Perhaps you've seen the stories of Seattle-area progressives and University of Washington officials bending over backwards to make room for the Nazis in their midst, ensuring they have a safe space to call for the extermination of the Jews. If their "from the river to the sea" chants didn't make the point, if their kaffiyeh cloths weren't a tip-off, then perhaps their flyers announcing the protest featuring paragliding Hamas terrorists would have done it. 

They are all over the country. They are the same people who brought you the hateful "women's march," Antifa, BLM, and riots in the streets. 

If their ripping down posters bearing the faces of kidnapped and murdered Americans and Israelis on city streets and college campuses weren't a tell about the Nazis in our midst then we're not sure what it would take for people to get the message. 

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See this student? She's the daughter of the Redmond, Wash., mayor. 


She gave a non-apology for it much later. 

In nearby Bellevue, Jewish students in the local schools were taunted with swastikas and "gas the Jews" chants. Some kids have removed their Star of David necklaces to hide their identities out of concern for their safety. 

Nazis and their Hamas Youth permeate the area. 

But this is what is getting the most attention in the Seattle area today: this guy's bigoted t-shirt. Indeed, it was declared by a local news outlet to be "dividing the community." The last time anyone fretted over a clerk's t-shirt, it was a teen wearing a Black Panther movie shirt three years ago. No one ever said it was "dividing the community," and the person complaining probably thought it was an actual racist Black Panther t-shirt. 

Nevertheless, the Gold Bar, Wash., clerk's shirt is the biggest racism problem in this area today. It read, "I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.” The man open-carried a weapon, which is legal, as he checked groceries at a local store. 

One woman told KIRO News she felt unsafe. “The world’s a scary place right now. And Gold Bar should be a safe haven for those of us who live here,” Lynne Kelly said. “That’s crossing a line. That’s not okay.” Another woman said that wearing the shirt is free speech. They're both right. 


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The shirt was largely hidden under the man's green apron, but for those close enough, it was easy to see the sheet-wearing Klansman. It wasn't hard to find a photo of the actual shirt online.

What's worse: a store clerk wearing a largely hidden t-shirt? or hundreds, if not thousands of people, calling for Jews to be exterminated? Both are racist. Both "divide a community." 

But one's worse. 

Wake up.


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