[UPDATED] Child at the Border Reportedly Given Copy of Kamala Harris's Book

Amazon screenshot of Kamala Harris' book cover.

Editor’s Note: The New York Post, which originally reported this story, has updated it to say, “The original version of this article said migrant kids were getting Harris’ book in a welcome kit, but has been updated to note that only one known copy of the book was given to a child.” The article below has been updated to include the new information. 



The New York Post reported that a copy of a book written by Vice President Kamala Harris was given to a child at the border. Thousands of children have come over the border at the invitation of the Biden administraton.

The book was reportedly included in a “welcome wagon” basket for an illegal alien child. The Post originally reported that the books were being given to all children at the border, but later updated the story to say only one book giveaway could be verified.

Democrats continuously attacked Trump for supposedly trading on his presidency.

According to the publication “Government Executive,” even the appearance of malfeasance is wrong.

“Walter Shaub, director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, sees it differently: “A president is no more immune to the influence of two masters than any subordinate official. In fact, our common experience of human affairs suggests that the potential for corruption only grows with the increase of power.”

But lost in the day’s hullaballoo was Shaub’s clarification: “We can’t risk creating the perception that government leaders would use their official positions for profit.”


A White House official told Fox News that Kamala Harris had not been aware of the welcome packs, and that the local community usually organizes these kinds of efforts.


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