Three days after the election, Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio will host a “holy ground” event featuring prayer and blessing over an abortion clinic.
The event, “Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision,” will feature Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith, whose “Crazy Faith Ministries” is more “social justice” activist group than traditional church.
“Please join Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, faith leaders, and honored guests for an interfaith gathering,” the event page requests.
“Anti-abortion advocates do not have the monopoly on faith or God,” Planned Parenthood insists. “Many faith leaders and people of faith hold that accessing and providing abortions are good and godly decisions.”
Yes, Planned Parenthood hails “faith leaders” who consider the intentional killing of unborn babies as a “good and godly decision.”
“During this clinic blessing, participants will gather with local faith leaders and guests to ask for God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical facility, the abortion providers and staff, and all those who pass through the center,” the event page promises.
“In celebration of conscience and moral decision making, this event will include interfaith blessings, prayer, and testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care,” the page promises. “This clinic blessing will create space for progressive voices of faith to speak boldly in support of comprehensive reproductive health care, especially abortion.”
Not only does Planned Parenthood consider abortion “care,” it’s trying to rebrand it as “holy” and “blessed.”
What kind of “faith leaders” did Planned Parenthood find to christen the “holy ground” of this abortion clinic?
Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith is the pastor at Crazy Faith Ministries. On its home page, the ministry declares, “We’re not a traditional church.” This “church” seems to prioritize “social justice” over the gospel. Its mission? “To teach the concept of crazy faith to do the work of social justice.” For an organization focused on social justice, Crazy Faith seems rather unconcerned with helping the most helpless among us — babies in the womb.
“Our vision is to equip people to fight against injustice through the use of crazy faith,” the site explains. “Crazy Faith is an organization dedicated to moving the obstacles faced by people one step at a time, believing that the smallest bit of faith is what has always brought about great changes and accomplishments.”
Jesus did promise that “if you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to here,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20), and God does care about justice. Even so, the heart of Christianity is the gospel — that all people are sinful and Jesus died on the cross to redeem those who repent and rose again from the dead, proving He is God.
Neither “Jesus” nor the Bible (nor even the word “gospel”) even appears on Crazy Faith’s “about” page — or its home page, for that matter.
The site does reference the Civil Rights movement and a host of Left-wing causes, however, including “immigrants’ rights & xenophobia” and “LGBTQ rights.”
Planned Parenthood also announced that it is partnering with the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a pro-abortion (and pro-LGBT) advocacy group. According to its website the group advocates “for legislation that will make all reproductive choices accessible and affordable.”
Some Christian denominations have supported abortion in the past, and some still do today. However, the early church vocally opposed both infanticide and abortion, which were common practices in ancient Rome.
In opposing abortion, Christians often cite Psalm 139, where David says to God, “For you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well … Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Psalm 139:13-14).
The strongest argument against abortion is scientific, not biblical, however. Modern genetics has discovered that each human being has unique DNA from conception, and their DNA marks them as biologically human from that moment.
Even Christians who support the legality of abortion might cringe at the idea of calling an abortion clinic “holy ground,” as these clinics intentionally kill little humans.
This is not the first time clerics have blessed an abortion clinic, however. In 2015, pro-abortion clergy blessed the Preterm clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, Live Action News reported. This blessing came one year after 22-year-old Lakisha Wilson died after going into cardiac arrest during a second trimester abortion at the facility.
Other grisly stories of women dying in abortion clinics have been hushed up, with an effective media blackout on the new film “Gosnell.” Indeed, at least 254 theaters have already dropped the film, which depicts the trial of a notorious abortionist whose “house of horrors” was filled with rats, decaying flesh, and dead bodies. Karnamaya Mongar, a refugee, died from complications of an abortion in his clinic.
Tragically, a recent study showed that women suffer physically and spiritually from abortion. Worse, nearly 75 percent of the women surveyed said their decision to abort was subject to pressure from others — parents, boyfriends, or husbands. More than 58 percent said they aborted their baby to make others happy, and almost 30 percent said they made the decision from fear of losing their partner if they did not.
Even those who believe that a fetus is not a human person with inherent dignity should lament the physical and spiritual damage abortion does to women. In light of this, the idea of blessing an aobrtion clinic as “holy ground” seems utterly grotesque.
While most Christians would likely cringe at the idea of blessing an abortion clinic as “holy ground,” it certainly seems appropriate to pray outside of such establishments. At the very least, Christians should pray that women do not experience the fates of Lakisha Wilson and Karnamaya Mongar.
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