Israel under attack

Marking the 63rd anniversary of Independence for the State of Israel, violent clashes have been noted from the borders of Syria and Lebanon, as well as Gaza to the south.


Reuters was reporting the killing of four people as Palestinians swarmed the Golan Heights.  Haaretz states that “thousands” tried to push their way across the Israeli border from Lebanon.

All of this, of course, is loosely (?) coordinated.  While Jews, Israelis and the Western, modernized world understand that May 14th is the day that Israel was “born,” violent extremists and Palestinians call it “Nakba Day.” Nakba Day is, according to Wikipedia, “… an annual day of commemoration for the Palestinian people of the displacement that accompanied the creation of Israel in 1948.”

While they claim “displacement,” they engage in violence.  Palestinians are both willing and witless pawns of their rich, violent neighbors – specifically Iran.  Palestinians are used as a rallying cry for the sole purpose of the destruction of Israel, and Jews, by the anti-Semitic (and anti-Western) Arab world, not to give them their own “homeland” or “dignity.”  Iran, Jordan, Egypt, etc. care nothing about the “plight” of the Palestinians.

Stay close to Pajamas Media for more on the situation.


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