STL First Indictment

The hour of truth is here. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) filed its first confidential indictment in the murder of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and others on February 14th, 2005. According to initial reports by the AFP, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei may be indicted for ordering the hit job.


“They will now be reviewed by the pretrial judge, Daniel Fransen,” the STL said in a statement Monday. “The contents of the indictment remain confidential at this stage.”

As a note, Hizbullah collapsed Lebanon’s government and is claiming that the transitional authority cannot legally accept indictments. The STL appears to have jumped right over the issue by submitting the indictments to The Hague, which has the Iranian-backed terror organization scrambling to get all Lebanese factions to support it, whether by hook or by crook.


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