Claim: British Actor Who Joined the Kurds in the Fight Against ISIS Is Annoying the Heck Out of Everyone

A former U.S. Army serviceman who has been in Northern Syria fighting ISIS with the Kurds since September of last year says that a minor British actor who recently joined them in the fight is a liability and in danger of losing his life — and not necessarily at the hands of ISIS. He’s calling on the State Department to remove the “unstable” actor before he gets himself and/or others killed.

Jordan Matson said in a Facebook post Thursday that Michael Enright, who moved from Hollywood to Syria last month, is a self-serving “POS” who is in danger of being killed by his own comrades.

Enright, for his part, said in an interview with the Dubai-based channel Al Aan TV that he decided to join the fight after seeing videos of the Jordanian pilot being burned alive by ISIS and the beheading of U.S. journalists.

 The actor, who lives in the United States, said he felt a debt to America and the need “to help right a wrong.”

“They need to be wiped off completely from the face of this earth,” Enright, 51, said, adding that he was ready to die for the cause. “I didn’t come here to run, I came here to fight and if I have to die, then I die. I didn’t come here to play games.”

Although he seems to have pure motives based on that interview, there has apparently been a great deal of friction between the actor and his fellow fighters.

Matson said in his Facebook post that Enright is a “mentally unstable actor” who has been “kicked out of four different fighting units.”


Matson added in the comments, “This man assaulted one of my fellow veterans here and threatened to kill another. Threatening to kill a vet in a war zone doesnt end well.”


Another American, Jesse Gillispie, wrote, “this guy cried like a 5 year old over a chess game with a kurd because he was going to lose he tipped the pieces over this guy is unstable I’m glad his bolt is gone I can confirm Jordan Matson and everyone else’s story he needs out of here and fast.”

PJ Media couldn’t corroborate Matson’s claims, but did reach out to him and another American volunteering in Syria for additional details. I will update if they get back to me.


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