Dems' Feelings Hurt by Netayanhu 'Affront' to Obama

What is this — the fourth grade? It’s bad enough that our Islamic enemies go berserk over any perceived slight to their “prophet” — a man who may or may not have lived more than a thousand years ago. Now we have their enablers in Congress, the Democrats, getting their noses out of joint over Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before Congress, which some of them have said they’ll boycott.


Call it the tale of two invites: House Speaker John A. Boehner says he followed the same protocols for inviting both Pope Francis and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, but one of those has been met with universal praise, while the other has frayed relations in Washington and Israel.

Democrats are feverishly trying to cancel Mr. Netanyahu’s March 3 speech, saying it’s an affront to President Obama, and accusing the Republican speaker of acting in an underhanded way by not alerting the White House of the invitation ahead of time.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a former House speaker herself, said Mr. Boehner’s move could even prompt Congress to “review the idea of joint sessions of Congress” because it’s caused such a political headache. She wouldn’t commit to showing up for Mr. Netanyahu’s speech, but said she is going to try to make it.

An “affront” to president Obama? Who cares? As Mr. Dooley famously said, “politics ain’t beanbag.” What a bunch of children.


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