On Twitter I’ve been having some fun riffing on Obama’s favorite crutch phrase, “Let me be clear.” He usually uses it as a prelude to a whopper. “Let me be clear, if you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare.” Last night he deployed it in defense of his opposition to increasing sanctions on Iran. “Let me be clear,” he seemed to be saying, “Iran has nothing to fear because I will veto whatever Congress does.”
At any rate, that’s got me popping on Twitter.
Would someone just let Obama be clear. Jeez.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
I mean really, Obama has been asking you people to let him be clear since 2007. Just stand back and let the man be clear.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
I paused to compare and contrast on a story in the headlines.
Grimm bullied a reporter. Obama/Holder wiretaps them.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
Then went back to begging you to let Obama be clear.
Other than the SOTU, his campaign appearances long after the campaign's end, his puffball media intvu's…when have you let Obama be clear?
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
According to @NBCNews, Obama's sufferings compare with the wounds of war heroes. The least you could do is let him be clear.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
@BarackObama is the man who brought you Obamacare and Cash for Clunkers. He saved u from a YouTube movie. You owe him a moment to be clear.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
Obama hired the people who brought you 'Yes we can!' and 'We can't wait!' He deserves your attention. Let the man be clear already.
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
Let me be clear: You can follow me on Twitter at @texasbryanp. You never know what you might see during live events.
#SOTU: thank you for this @nick_pants: pic.twitter.com/Gr9bhtfUme
— Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) January 29, 2014
Yes it is. RT @EWErickson: Not my fault. #SOTUinthreewords
— Bryan Preston (@texasbryanp) January 29, 2014
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