Dem. Senator: 'We All Knew' that 'If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare' Was a Lie

File this under “Obvious.” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) appeared on ABC’s This Week Sunday, and under questioning from host Martha Radatz, admitted that congressional Democrats knew that “If you like your healthcare…” was not going to turn out to be true.


Raddatz asked again about being misled. This time, Gillibrand offered a startling revelation:

He should’ve  just been specific. No, we all knew. The whole point of the plan is to cover things people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy. How many women, the minute they get pregnant, might risk their coverage. How many women paid more because of their gender, because they might get pregnant. Those are the reforms. (emphasis added)

There would be winners and losers, by the millions, so they lied to get the law passed and to get Obama re-elected, which was key to preserving the law long enough for it to get enacted.

Everyone knows that a certain amount of politics includes a certain amount of “political promising.” But in 2012 the Democrats must have set a new standard for dishonesty. Everything the Democrats did to win in 2012 was either a lie or another lie.

“War on women” — lie

“If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare” — lie

“Al Qaeda is decimated/on the run” — lie


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