Comrade, Obama Finds You GUILTY of Economic Treason

Did you see this?


This isn’t just some leftist bloke spouting off on Twitter. It’s a senior adviser to President Obama.

It’s the same senior adviser who likened Republicans to terrorists just a few days back.

Plouffe works quite a bit into that tweet, accusing mainstream Republicans of going birther — an issue that arose from the Democrat Hillary Clinton campaign, not Republicans — and of committing “economic treason.”

Treason is quite a serious charge, even though it’s being leveled here by a ridiculous dweeb.

Once you break the charge out, it works like this. Republicans are taking positions that the Obama administration believes harm the economy — the shutdown, sequestration, etc. They’re doing this at a time of war against terrorists. So they’re weaking the nation in time of war, ergo, treason.

The shutdown was pretty clearly something that Barack Obama wanted and planned to use against Republicans.

Sequestration came from the Obama White House. For all we know, the nebbish Mr. Economic Treason himself had a hand in it.


Democrats waged total war against George W. Bush throughout his presidency, even called him “un-American.” But that wasn’t treason at all.

Mr. Plouffe, by the way, never served in the military or ever offered himself up to defend anything but his own political party. He’s a reptilian little apparatchik who obviously thinks nothing of smearing millions of Americans.

In sane times, President New Tone should fire him, but not before the media grills New Tone about why he ever hired such an unaccomplished person to such a lofty position in his administration. But we all know that none of that will happen.

The smears just go on and on and on.


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