Obamacare's Fabulous Failing 404 Web Site Cost Taxpayers Just $634,320,919

How on earth does a web site cost more than half a billion dollars?

The exact cost to build Healthcare.gov, according to U.S. government records, appears to have been $634,320,919, which we paid to a company you probably never heard of: CGI Federal.  The company originally won the contract back in 2011, but at that time, the cost was expected to run “up to” $93.7 million – still a chunk of change, but nothing near where it ended up.


Wait, wasn’t Obamacare supposed to be a deficit-buster? Bend the cost curve, all that stuff?

How many millions of Americans could we have just given health insurance for $634 million and change?

How many Americans could have been given full-time jobs creating the Obamacare web site, that the Obama administration outsourced to Canadians? It’s not like the Obamacare web designers had to be competent or anything.


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