Dem. Congressman Blames Budget Cuts For Libya Attack

So, when it comes to names, dates, and facts – it seems that isn’t something Congressman William Lacy Clay (D-Missouri) has mastered.  During today’s hearings on Benghazi, which was live blogged by PJ’s Bryan Preston, Rep. Clay actually had the temerity to blame budget cuts for the terrorist attack.


1:36 pm Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-MO) uses his time to blame budget cuts for the lack of security at Benghazi. That line has been debunked, by the State Department itself. He is wasting time and intentionally distracting from the facts of the situation in Benghazi.

Clay, like his fellow Democrats, is delivering a speech. Filibustering.

Clay is citing the Accountability Review Board’s findings, but the ARB was hand-picked by Clinton and failed to interview her. A skeptic could view the ARB as an exercise in giving Clinton the appearance of seeking the facts, while giving her enough cover to get past the 2012 election. Clay makes no allowance for this possibility.

Issa reminds Clay that Charlene Lamb testified in October that budget cuts were not the issue. Clay claims that he cannot remember what Lamb said, but that the ARB said resources were an issue. Selective memory. Laughable. Clay is, so far, the least serious member of the panel, and that’s saying something after Cummings’ and Maloney’s antics.


Additionally, besides Lamb’s testimony, U.S. special forces were ready to be sent in, but were ordered to stand down – and it wasn’t because of budget cuts.  I agree that Clay was filibustering, he was giving a speech, and he was engaging in political hackery.   The problem is that he sucks at it.


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