Pelosi: The Day the Democrats Lost NY-9 Was 'A Good Day'

Well, may she and the Democrats enjoy many more such good days. Video at the link.

“In terms of New York, yeah, that was a disappointment. We would have preferred to win,” said Pelosi.

“It was a good day because it was something where other people realize we have to buckle down in order to win this,” she said.

“It does not alter our plan for taking back the House,” she added.

“We’re optimistic about the recruitment of candidates, the raising of money, the raising of the issues that are out there, and that’s positive for us,” she said.


The “issues that are out there” include massive unemployment, the US credit downgrade, and three growing scandals — Solyndra, LightSquare and Fast and Furious. By all means, raise them, Nancy. Raise them to the sky.

Pelosi mentions that losing NY-9, a seat the Democrats have held for about a third of the life of the republic, hasn’t altered their plans to re-take the House next year. That’s welcome news to the RNC, I’m sure, since as many as 50 Democratic seats may be in new jeopardy.


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